Cyclist Luke Rowe has come to the rescue of an NHS intensive care medic whose bike was stolen while he was on shift at University Hospital of Wales in Cardiff.
Anaesthetic registrar Tom Roberts tweeted about the theft, prompting Rowe and ex-Olympic champion Chris Boardman to offer him a replacement.
Dr Roberts says he will receive his bike from Rowe on Monday.
“Seeing all the offers of help restores your faith in people,” he said.
“Witnessing how people are empathising with you and also trying to help you out as much as they can is humbling.”
The 32-year-old from Cyncoed explained his reaction when he realised his bike had been stolen.
“Yesterday I’d been working in intensive care, came out of work about 8:45pm and went down to where I normally park my bike. The lock had been cut through and my bike was missing.
“It’s pretty disappointing at the moment, particularly when the NHS is being held in potentially a higher regard than it normally is.
“For someone to do that in a hospital when you are on shift working to help people and save their lives, that’s a little bit disappointing.”

Dr Roberts shared his situation on social media and was surprised by the reaction, with former Olympic champion Chris Boardman also offering to replace the bike.
“I walked home and put a little message on Twitter which some of my friends shared, and about half an hour later I had a couple of offers of new bikes from people, which was nice.
“I was not expecting that response I just thought I’d put it out there and see how many other people thought that was a pretty rubbish end to a day.
“It turns out lots of people did, and it’s just kind of very fortunate that people have been generous and are going to give me a new one.”
Dr Roberts was familiar with Team Ineos cyclist Rowe, 30, and former Tour de France stage winner Boardman.
“I’ve heard of them and know who they are,” said Roberts.
“I don’t really follow cycling; my bike is just a little run around, it wasn’t an expensive bike, just something to get me to work and back.
“He [Rowe] asked me what my height was and what sort of bike I’d had and he said he’d drop something around in the morning.

“He didn’t have to do it, it’s very kind of him.”
Dr Roberts said it was not the only act of kindness NHS staff had received.
“Lots of individuals and companies have been extremely generous towards NHS staff recently,” said Roberts.
“We have had donations of meals, toiletries, beds and a lot more, and I want to thank people on behalf of all my colleagues – to everyone who has shown us kindness.”